Borderline Internetworking, Borint.nl for short, has built up knowledge in the field of data / computer networks and their security in various environments since 1994.
In more than 25 years, experience has been gained in management, consultancy, design and implementation, applied in both large and small companies. Check out the About Borint.nl
Network Security is core business for Borint.nl. Firewalls, Remote Access and site2site VPN solutions have been successfully implemented at various customers. Consultancy, engineering and training are other services that can be provided.
- As of April 2020, Borint.nl has founded a partnership with the US-based compay Wizer, an online Security Awareness training company. Borint.nl will be serving the Dutch market with their training program and will be your local liason for sales and support. So, get Wizer!
- Due to the explosive growth of working from home over the Internet, Wizer has – in conjunction with several partners, Borint.nl included – created a special support program that will help you to engage you and your workforce to work from home, with recognised risks managed to an acceptable level. Click here for your Working from Home advice.